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Shamanic Healing

Image by Slava

About Shamanic

Welcome to Shamanic Healing.  I honour you for reaching this page. Thank you. 


The ancient traditions of Shamanic tribes around the world have been handed down through the ancestors for thousands of years. Shamanic wisdom provides many healing tools to transform deep inner wounds and a reconnection to Mother Earth and nature. 


We honour the cycles of nature and every living creature that walks upon the earth. Shamanic practitioners work with the spirit of plants, stones, flower essences, animals, elements and sound to provide many processes to energetically cleanse and bring knowledge and awareness. 


Restoring flow to the subtle body for Wellness. We work with you to revive the soul and refresh the spirit and balance the energy that is you.  Shamanic practises are deep and profound and seek to reach the core, as it is here, transformation can take place.

Shamanic Processes

Shamanic Processes I offer are:


Journeying into the lower, middle and upper worlds.

Soul Retrieval

Find your Power Animal Guide 

Shamanic Protection

Rituals for Wellness


Past Life Healing

Shamanic Energy Healing

Land clearing

Drumming for peace 

Image by Javardh


Calling on the power of nature, the fire, the air, the earth and the wind, with drums and rattles and herbs, earth energy and animal wisdom that exists all around us. 


Here at I am a qualified shamanic practitioner and have for over 30 years followed the ways and wisdom of nature.  I have met and spent time with Native Elders and through my experiences I have felt humbled and deeply respectful of nature. 


I have a reverence for the earth and her wisdom and continue to remain open to her messages. There is an old Native American saying ‘listen to the wind it talks, listen to the silence it speaks, listen to your heart it knows.’ I listen deeply to the said and the unsaid, the seen and the unseen and allow this wisdom to weave into my life and work.  We are all interconnected.     


There are workshops, retreat days and events to rewild you throughout the wheel of the year. Please contact for details. 

Through Shamanic Processes and Sessions know that you are held and seen and heard.  Sessions may be inside or sometimes outside on the land.  

To discuss further, for more information and to book please email at    

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